Lamar Water, Sewer & Parks


2 part creek, 1 part Nevada 09.29.53
Answer to Lamar vandalism problem perhaps 06.05.1959
Bids and contract letting for new well 03.02.54
Bids solicited for razing old Standpipe 01.13.53
Bids to high for new well 06.19.51
Boy Scouts get a freebie 04.10.57
City looking for different building for library 04.25.1959
City use of Legion bldg library room 06.22.1959
City water causing complaints 06.03.1957
Deep well a dry hole 10.13.53
Deep well comes in at 255 gallon per miute 11.27.53
Deep well develops a fizzle 09.01.53
Deep well heavy with iron 10.20.53
Deep well water unsafe for humans 10.23.53
Deep well yielding purer water 10.30.53
Ditching the creek for water 11.25.52
Drilling for the underground river 09.04.53
Ducks on the pond, that is the lagoon 11.26.56
Flooding at north dam 00.00.43
Flooding west side of town 06.13.2007
Four hundred gallon per minute use 06.28.54
Gathman Admin review & Lawn Boy Elect 04.21.1959
High contamination rate on deep well 10.27.53
John Gray land for lagoon purpose 08.06.48
John Gray ultimatum for lagoon land 09.12.47
John Gray's entire tract for lagoon 03.08.56
Lamar city park gets part of lagoon land 03.20.57
Lamar city park to get 2nd shelter house 02.08.55
Lamar council approves expanding water lines 11.06.1962
Lamar settling basin cleaned out 10.17.1929
Lamar super begins water maintainence dept 11.14.1952
Lamar to fight tooth decay {Flouride}07.18.1960
Lamar to have dog pound 03.17.53
Lamar water famine worst since waterworks started 01.021.1930
Lamar water is becoming scarce 12.12.1929
Lamar without water 05.23.1947
Lamar's 1st Humane Society 03.23.55
Lamar's 6 advantages for new industry 01.13.1959
Lamar's two water projects 12.04.51
Librarian comments on library's new location 06.24.1959
Library board to pick new library site 06.17.1959
Lighting increased city employees work load 00.00.1974
Milk transports to haul water from Nevada 09.25.53
Mixing of creek & well waters 07.22.54
Mr Mayor move that lagoon 09.21.1960
New city improvements report 04.02.57
New lagoon pic 00.00.56
New waste disposal plant  07.08.54
New waste disposal plant needed 07.08.54
New water and sewer lines 05.05.1939
New water tower almost completed 01.18.52
New water tower proposal 07.28.50
New water tower-1000 tons of steel 10.26.51
New well completed at 981 feet 04.08.54
New well depth at 565 feet 04.05.54
New well producing 320 gallon per minute 05.10.54
New well requires acidzation 05.06.54
New well water darned hard 06.07.54
No more livestock water from city 08.25.53
North Dam & caretakers house 00.00.36
North Dam repairs p1 10.20.53
North Dam repairs p2 10.20.53
North Dam repairs p3 10.20.53
Old City Calaboose and new city building 04.15.1949
Old Stinko No 2 well and creek water 08.6.54
Old Stinko creating problems 05.26.56
Old Stinko to be used again 02.17.56
Park board prohibits horses in the park 07.27.1962
Preparing to drill a 2nd new well 02.05.54
Pursuing the underground river 09.04.53
Rolla Boggs quits as street sweeper 04.21.1944
Seeking water from Schreiner & Kenoma lakes 09.29.53
Soybean harvest brings in money for park 11.06.1962
Standpipe memories 08.18.2007
Standpipe springs a leak 07.18.50
Underground river drilling continues 09.01.53
Underground river project a bust 09.11.53
Underground river water high in iron 09.15.53
Vandals break into pump house @ N dam 06.08.1962.jpg
Water mains & outdoor privy problems 06.06.1959
Working on the lagoon site 06.28.56